Events board

Amor y Tango

Marcos Ayala Tango Company

The most prominent tango dancer worldwide and his band

A new and elegant international show 

Marcus Ayala, director, choreographer, troupe leader, and master dancer of worldwide fame, expresses his creative and restless spirit in an innovative and stormy artistic search centered on preserving the tango tradition in which different social classes interact.

Ayala and his partner - Paula Camacho – stage a Couple Dance of great perfection, consisting of complex movements dictated by sensual interpretative techniques and theatrical virtuosity. 

The audience is mesmerized by the five additional couples forming the dance troupe, who present a captivating show full of power, passion, and elegance.

  • Duration:
    About an hour and twenty minutes with no break
  • Photography:
    Courtesy of Marcos Ayala Tango Company
  • Remarks:
    This show is discounted for subscribers, but subscription tickets cannot be used.
    Cancellation of tickets ordered for this event will be possible up to 72 hours before the show at the latest.

Event dates

The Sherover Theatre

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